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Faith Imagined: Internet Cafe: Faith Journey

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

February 7, 2011

Internet Cafe: Faith Journey

My son is learning to type using a computer program. Today was his third day, and he was slowly typing the middle row of keys, trying not to look at his fingers. There were about 8 lines showing; and as he typed each line, another line would appear on the bottom. After five minutes of typing, he finally looked at me.

“New lines keep coming up, Mommy. When is this going to end?” he asked anxiously.

I said, “Type a few more lines, and you’ll probably see the end come up soon.”

He went back to typing, but it was obvious by the way he was slouching in his chair and by the irritable expression on his face that he had lost hope of ever seeing the end to his lesson.

Suddenly, he punched the last key on the line he was typing, and the final sentence came into sight. He was about four lines away from finishing. My son’s back straightened and a smile spread across his face. He was almost there!

It’s interesting how a good dose of perspective can help you see something through to the end.

Many times in my Christian journey, I’ve had to walk out on faith. Sometimes my acts of faith are immediately confirmed; other times, however, I’m a million steps into “Faith-land” without any physical signs that I’m going the right way.

I feel God’s Spirit in me approving my direction, but it would be so nice if I could see the Promise Land! Often, I become disillusioned, and I feel like giving up and not finishing. But God graciously renews my strength right when I need it most. There are some faith journeys that I’m on that God is in the double digits of giving me strength-renewal!

Though the ending may not be in sight, I know that God works all things for His good. I know that He loves me, and He wants the best for me. And I know that He would rescue me and redirect my steps if I somehow lost my way.

By faith I choose to straighten my back and put a smile on my face because I know that I’m offering my life to the purposes of my Creator, and He will not steer me wrong. I trust that He has amazing plans for me, and I believe His Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Question: Do you feel like you’re in the wilderness right now for away from your Promise Land? How has God renewed your strength? How has your faith grown during your journey?

“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage” (Psalm 84.5 NIV).

You can also read this the Internet Cafe!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great analogy Alisa. Isn't it amazing how when you are connected, everything in life relates to your faith? Even the most ordinary. Thanks for this.

7:22 AM  
Blogger Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

I'm in the "faith land" place right now. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going forward.

Susan :)

7:39 PM  
Blogger Kristen Torres-Toro said...

This is a great analogy!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Loved this post, Alisa - it's kinda weird, but I feel like I'm in two places at the same time.

On the one hand, I feel like I'm being used by the Lord, and many things are happening in my life. On the other hand, I'm feeling a bit like I'm in the wilderness because it feels like there's "something else" out there that I'm supposed to be doing.

Am I being impatient? Am I not being content with what God has brought me now? It's all so confusing sometimes. Especially because the devil is ALWAYS there with his wonderful little words of doubt and dismay.

Here's what I've determined - in faith, I keep walking forward!


9:01 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

I know how your son was feeling! I love to know an end is in sight. I'm so glad God knows when to give a glimpse of the future and when to hide it behind a veil. He's so good to us!

10:28 AM  
Blogger Karen Lange said...

Love this illustration. I feel like I've been slouching some lately, but He's been encouraging me to straighten up and keep going. The timing on this is interesting. :)

2:44 PM  
Blogger Greetings from Niecy said...

How Inspiring!!!
I'm in the Faith-LandP lace at this very moment. I'm so glad that I stopped by!
God Bless,

5:07 PM  
Blogger Tammi said...

Oh yes I sure am there, and can totally relate to this post. I heard about a week ago that we must have faith not only in God and His Word, but in the fact that He wants to do SOMETHING through our yielded lives and not only wants to, but WILL, if only we'll allow Him, and have FAITH that He will. Do we believe that He can use our yielded hearts and lives in a powerful way, for His glory? Yes! Complete surrender, and total faith in Him will bring R E S U L T S! Thanks for this encouragement.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Toyin O. said...

So true Alisa, I feel like my life is a long wildereness sometimes. But like the bible says, I find grace in my wilderness and I sleep in the woods. I have learned to take things one day at a time, knowig he that started a good work in me will bring to completion. He will open every door according to his perfect will and timing:)

5:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I see tremendous grace in your writing, Alisa. Within that grace, is a willingness to inspire Hope and be an encourager to others that The Lord can always make a way when things seem dark. A professor of mine at UT Dallas once said, "I may not have the answer. But I believe in the Good Lord and know that there is an answer". I have never forgotten his refreshing and candid expression! This post reminded me of that discussion. :)

9:04 PM  
Blogger lioneagle said...

Hi Alisa -

Your son's story delighted me.
Thank you for sharing.

I love this that you expressed,

"I know that I’m offering my life to the purposes of my Creator, and He will not steer me wrong. I trust that He has amazing plans for me, and I believe His Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit."

Beautifully expressed, Alisa. Thankyou.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

This post brought a smile to my face Alisa. I totally understand how your son felt. Life can seem like such a burden when there's no end in sight. This post is just the encouragement I needed for today.
Have a great weekend.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Glory to God said...

Alisa -

Once again, another remarkable post. You have a such a poignant approach in your writings. It draws us in and helps us to identify with your subject.

Your questions are pretty convicting as well. I often feel lost in the wilderness, wondering if I'm living my life to the glory of God. Sometimes I do lose my way. But this post helps remind me that there is an end in sight. I need to remember that and in the meantime to fix my eyes on Jesus.

I remember an analogy that I think applies here. We're like sheep and Jesus is our Great Shepherd. Like sheep that keep their eyes fixed on the heels of their shepherd to guide them, so we too need to fix our eyes on the feet of Jesus. Like sheep, we may not always understand the direction we're going, but our Great Shepherd will get us there!

Great post Alisa! Have a great week! God bless!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Richard Hobart said...

I'm not sure how I got here but I know the Holy Spirit led me. My God shall supply all my needs and He knew I needed this encouraging post as I am reminded to walk by faith and not by sight. Thank You
Hello, my name is Richard Hobart and I am a Christian internet marketer trying to replace my income by blogging. This is a great post, please stop by my blog

3:35 PM  

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