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Guest Post: First Step out of Fear

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Faith Imagined: Guest Post: First Step out of Fear

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

December 23, 2010

Guest Post: First Step out of Fear

My first blog entry for Faith Imagined (which used to be called A Writer’s Peace) was July 23, 2006. I had absolutely no idea why God wanted me to start a blog for my writing. I started a personal blog to capture family memories several months before, and I couldn’t fathom maintaining two of them. I sat in front of my computer staring at the blog post entry, wondering, “What the heck am I supposed to write about?”

Finally, I decided to open the Bible and write about the first verse my eyes picked out. The vision of Faith Imagined started with a tiny seed found in the promise of the following verse: “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still’” (Exodus 14: 13-14).

Here is how I began my post:

I’m afraid a lot. I fear that my book will be rejected. I fear that my ministry will fail. I fear that I don’t know enough of the Bible. I fear that I will never fulfill my purpose. I fear that I don’t have enough time to achieve my goals. I fear of being judged not Christian enough.

Like many Christians, I started my ministry in fear. I could see the plan that God had for my life, but I lacked any ability to achieve it. I was unqualified, timid, unworthy and fearful. I took an objective look at my life and compared it with what God had in mind, and I saw a huge gap. In my ignorance, I saw only impossibilities, but I didn’t know how to account for God’s grace (2 Corinthians 9.8) or for His work in my life (Philippians 1.6).

I wrote consistently for three years without any followers and with very few comments. If I did receive a comment, it was usually from my twin sister encouraging me as she always does. I kept at it each week, though, not understanding the reason for my obedience. I didn’t have a voice, and I didn’t have a purpose. I was merely being obedient to God’s will, and I never sought understanding.

Three years later after consistent (albeit pathetic) writing, my twin sister, Crissy, said she would like to help me with my writing ministry. She had been teaching herself how to blog design, and she wanted to give mine a facelift. We changed the name of the blog to Faith Imagined, which was the name of a Christian writing ministry we had agreed on years earlier.

After we changed the blog, Crissy started helping me market it. When she came along side of me, something in my blog writing clicked. I realize now that God had aligned all of the perfect elements for just the right time. During my season of “desert writing,” I had been deeply involved in women’s ministry. I also began to disciple other women. God had been doing a good work in me, even though I never noticed it.

God had been doing a good work in Crissy, as well. He moved her away from all her family and friends. She resigned from her job as a social worker in order to raise her children fulltime. She was isolated in a new city and in need of something to do after the kids went to bed. So, she began to teach herself how to design blogs. Then, she began to teach herself how to market them. I am proud to say that I was her guinea pig.

One truth I learned through the past four years is that we can’t rush God’s design. He has an agenda, and He is working His perfect will in our lives. Many times I tried to get the ball rolling on my own, and I was always left frustrated and discouraged. I’ve learned to trust that God will accomplish His will at just the right time; and when He does, everything will smoothly fall into place.

The other truth I learned is that we can’t let fear dictate our lives. Fear is nothing but a lack of faith in God. I feared many things because I didn’t trust that God could accomplish them. In all honesty, I really didn’t know better. I was ignorant to God’s character because I hadn’t spent enough time with Him or in His Word. When my relationship with God became my heart’s desire, I discovered that God has only the best for me; and I began to trust His voice and stay obedient to His hand.

I’m excited about what God has done in Crissy’s and my life thus far, but I can’t wait to see what else He does. I’m not worried or anxious about tomorrow because I decided to make an effort to enjoy each day. God’s understanding is beyond mine, and His ways are above comprehension. If I can keep my focus on His face and keep in step with His direction, I have nothing to fear.

You can also read this at Annointed Beauty Ministries here!

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Blogger The Unknowngnome said...

It was very interesting to read about you and your sister's beginnings.

You are absolutely correct in saying that it is all in His time. Your "desert writings" have now blossomed and your fruits have been many because you persevered.

We shall fear no evil!

Merry Christmas Alisa. Merry Christmas Crissy.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I love that verse in Exodus.

I continue to be inspired by other believers that struggle with the issues of fear and trust. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone.

However, their sure witness to the power of God to conquer fear, AND His ability to use fearful people to accomplish His purposes - that really inspires me.

Thank you for sharing this today...

GOD BLESS - and a very Merry Christmas!

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Ginger said...

What a beautiful reflection of where you have been, and what an encouragement as we press through.

Thank you Alisa!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


10:44 AM  
Blogger JT said...

Merry Christmas! May God Bless You.

10:51 AM  
Blogger lioneagle said...

Hi Alisa -

I much enjoyed this piece, in particular, because it reminds me of where I am relative to some issues.

You expressed very well your desire to be close to our Lord, and to resist fear. I sensed deep sincerity when I read this piece. I loved your words, "desert writing." I can truly relate to that, Alisa.

Also, the word "desert" here leaped off the page at me because this a.m., I wrote about no more "desert dwelling" on my post topic, "GOD'S "IN YOUR FACE" MEMO TO THE DEVIL." And then I came here and noticed "desert writing."

This certainly boosted my faith, Alisa. Thank you

8:33 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Stopping by today to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

10:18 PM  
Blogger Sherrie said...

God is mind blowing. What joy to see Him work. Thank you for your faithfulness and that of Crissy. Thank you for glorifying our Lord.
Grace, peace, and joy.

3:58 AM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Loved reading about your beginnings! So interesting. Thanks to sisters :)

10:25 AM  
Blogger Teresa said...

You have no idea how badly I needed to read this...I am 'choked up' and my vision is blurred as tears fill my eyes at this moment. I am so grateful for your obedience to God's call and not allowing time in the 'desert' to frustrate each step to the land of 'milk and honey'. You are so lovely Alisa...thank you to both you and Crissy...I praise God for the both of you; your greatest support is the one who God provided even in the womb; your twin. You are lovely and beautiful and such a blessing to so many; including me.
Thank you for the Love of God that you have allowed to permeated in, through and upon others for His Glory...and the journey still continues...I am excited to see so much MORE in you all!!!!! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the journey even in 'Sanctified Together'!

6:30 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I love this post. That is so me. But that has been one of the gifts of middle-age. The knowledge that fears will never go away. With the knowledge and faith of God we just press on in the face of fear. It does get easier. I so enjoy your writing and look forward to reading lots of your work in 2011.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Just Be Real said...

An interesting read, thanks for sharing. I trust you had a good Christmas.

4:27 AM  
Anonymous Renee Ann said...

Ministry is all about coming alongside to complete or add to what someone else has done. It's neat to read about how God calls folks to help until the job gets done. Your blog is certainly a success now! Blessings!

6:16 AM  
Blogger Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

Thanks for sharing your story of how this ministry began. It's a great encouragement.

Susan :)

5:48 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

How awesome it is to see all God had done in the lives of two sweet sisters! I am also excited to see all God has in store for you both in the future!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

Alisa, thank you for this post (or should I say testimony). It has certainly lifted my faith.

Hope you had a great Christmas.

5:30 PM  

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