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Iso Manifestation

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Faith Imagined: Iso Manifestation

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

January 17, 2011

Iso Manifestation

I like sci-fi moves. Many of them are not biblically based, but I can't help but notice that they are unable to rid themselves of the imprint of the Creator. We are created in God's image, and we are a product of His design. We may twist and warp His purpose, but His intent is written in our DNA -- we can't get away from it (John 1.3-4 NIV).

So when I saw the new Tron movie, I noticed the Creation themes right away. I've read blog posts about the religious symbolism, and I got a sense of how the writers perceive God in their words. I'm not going to discuss those themes here because I want to focus on the Isomorphic Algorithms (Isos).

I was intrigued by the Isos, and I knew that the Holy Spirit was trying to teach me something. Kevin Flynn desires to create a perfect world, but he realizes that he is not perfect. Thus, a perfect world could not be created. In spite of his imperfections, however, a "miracle" occurs! The pure and perfect Isos "manifest."

Like Kevin Flynn, I realize that I am imperfect. I will always be in need of a Savior (Jesus), and everything I create will always be flawed. This has been a thorn in my side. I fear creating because I know my creations will always be inadequate. The more I get to know the character of our Creator, the more I understand my corrupted humanity. How can I produce something knowing that I will fall short of God's perfection?

But God calls us to create. God gives us gifts and abilities, and He expects us to use them and not bury them out of fear (Matthew 25.14-28) We are created in God's image, and God is a Creator. He gives us all the elements to work with, and He expects us to use our free will to design "deeds" that glorify Him (James 2.26). In glorifying Him, we find our sense of peace, joy and meaning.

Since I'm called to create, I continued doing it, but I kept holding onto fear. I'd produce something knowing that I was corrupting God's perfect design with my flawed creation. Amazingly, though, I realized that something awesome was occurring when I created for God. I finally idetnified this occurence after I watched Tron. When I create, I see special pieces of His perfection in the midst of my imperfection -- "miracles" are planted in the center of my defective design. I put forth energy and do the best with my abilities, and the Holy Spirit intervenes and plants a pure and perfect Iso.

For example, I will struggle with a certain insight that the Holy Spirit is trying to teach me. I will try to explain it in an imperfectly written post. But in the middle of my blemished writing, the Holy Spirit places a beautifully prepared truth. Within my imperfect design, a perfect Iso manifests! I push back from my computer, amazed by God's grace, and thank the Holy Spirit for blessing me with a perfectly tailored insight. I know I didn't create it. It was gift from my Creator, placed in the center of my mess -- an Iso!

God plants Isos when I talk with friends, care for my children and adore my husband. (Or He can place them in ministries, businesses, art, daily tasks, speeches, projects, families and any other deed we produce.) However, I am flawed and unable to produce anything perfect. But God knows my heart is His, and He enjoys my trust in His love. He is gentle with me and cares about my desires. He knows my limits and understands my hang-ups, and He freely gives me His favor and His full attention. I create for Him because I find my highest calling and greatest joy when I do.

God knows I'm imperfect. He knew it when He gave me the free will that corrupted His design. However, He loves my imagination and my creativity, and He wants me to create for His glory. He fills in my imperfections with His grace, and together we create Isos -- perfect pieces of creation designed to illuminate God. God weaves me into His creation, and He weaves Himself into mine. Because Jesus is my Intercessor, God is able to grow His perfection in the soil of my imperfections. So go ahead and produce your flawed deeds for the world, and God will shine His glory through them!

"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father" (Matthew 5.16 NLT).

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me" ( 2 Corinthians 12.9 NIV).

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Blogger Carolyn said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE His truth in your writings! It's true, as long as we're in relationship with Him and we are obedient in giving our best to Him; he will bless those efforts and they don't have to be perfect. God doesn't expect perfection from us- He just wants us!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Heather Spiva said...

Glad you got to see the movie too!
The Jesus theme is all over it.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Wanda said...

God uses imperfect vessels that the excellency of the power may be of Him and not us.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Shauna Renee' said...

Wow. I came here hungry and received nourishment. Thank you Lord for speaking through these sisters.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Alisa: I've had a tendency to avoid sci-fi movies because so many tend to be disturbing. But you were able to go into this one and in a way, confront it with your Faith and Grace. That is something I admire, and I also enjoyed the message here today as well. :)

5:27 PM  
Blogger Beth Herring said...

wow - I learned something new here today my friend. thanks for letting God use you so powerfully!

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Renee Ann said...

Great post! I guess we search for ways to explain how God takes our efforts and makes something wonderful within the midst of our flawed creation because in a way it's beyond comprehension--both how He does it and why He bothers. It makes me realize what a privilege it is to be used by Him! Thanks for sharing this.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Denise J. Hughes said...

I haven't seen the movie Tron yet, but I love the analogy you drew from it here. I wrestle with many of the same fears - I want to create, but knowing that I will never create something "perfect," then I stall and waver.

Great post!

6:09 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Oh Alisa - just LOVED this one! Your words encouraged me so much - they were full of ISO's!!

I am thrilled at how God works - so often, in the middle of my writing, something comes through that did NOT come from my conscious thought and construction. The Spirit works in mysterious ways - and I am so blessed when He works in and through me!


8:36 PM  
Blogger Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

Like you, I often feel inadequate to express what He's trying to show me. Yet, He has mercy and breathes life into my words.

Susan :)

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I must see this movie. Beautiful post.

10:14 PM  
Blogger The Unknowngnome said...

Great post about our creative process!

I have said the same thing many times to my wife that it isn't me that writes such perfected words but the Holy Spirit. I am just a scribe.

Iso adore it. :-)

11:20 PM  
Blogger From The Heart Online said...

Oh, Alisa - This is so timely!

"This has been a thorn in my side. I fear creating because I know my creations will always be inadequate. The more I get to know the character of our Creator, the more I understand my corrupted humanity. How can I produce something knowing that I will fall short of God's perfection?"

I'm walking through that right now.

I love your perception / understanding of God's adoration of you. You get that He loves you.

That may be where I trip the most- on this doubt (cultivated since childhood) that God's love is conditional and I will wear Him out with all my mess-ups.

I pray I understand His unconditional love. What can separate us from His love? The Bible says 'nothing'. I pray I understand this.

... would you pray for me too? That I would really GET that He loves me fully, uncondionally, totally?

Thanks for this timely post, through which the Holy Spirit has perfectly spoken to my heart.


9:08 AM  
Blogger Karen Lange said...

Indeed. His grace is sufficient.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Connie said...

"Because Jesus is my Intercessor, God is able to grow His perfection in the soil of my imperfections." oh Alisa, this is so affirming! May GOD continue grow beauty from ashes in our lives.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Oh what an encouraging post! I have been blessed to know that God's perfection shines in my imperfections. I'm going to copy this and put it where I can see it for a few weeks--so the truth can soak into the soil of my heart!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Tonya said...

I love this! I haven't seen Tron, but I've heard a lot about it. This post makes me want to stir back up my creative abilities! :-)

12:16 AM  
Blogger lioneagle said...

Hi Alisa -

Thank you for this message.

You said, " I know I didn't create it. It was gift from my Creator,..."

That statement, in particular, struck me strong!

Interesting that on this date January 17, 2011 we both used the scripture Matthew 25:26 in our posts. And we both discussed fear.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Jeanette Levellie said...

OH, I agree, dear. If we wait until we're perfect, we'll never acheive anything for the Lord.


7:48 AM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

Hi Alisa,
I enjoyed reading this post. I haven't seen the movie but I love how you were able to gain so much spiritual insights from it. I've gained much from reading your words.

Love this especially,

"God weaves me into His creation, and He weaves Himself into mine. Because Jesus is my Intercessor, God is able to grow His perfection in the soil of my imperfections. So go ahead and produce your flawed deeds for the world, and God will shine His glory through them!"

11:18 PM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love this creative post! I am happy He can work in our imperfections and my weakness...

4:17 PM  
Blogger Lacey said...

I need to go see this movie then read this again.

6:24 PM  

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