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God-Given Fantasies

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Faith Imagined: God-Given Fantasies

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

August 26, 2009

God-Given Fantasies

God loves you, ladies, and He wants to fulfill the innermost fantasies of your heart. He doesn't want you to simply be content with "just good enough"; He wants to knock your socks off with a purpose that you would never dare dream.

Don't believe me? I will show you. God many times weaves His promises into the stories of His Word. Listen to this following story and find that hidden promise. Let the truth sink into your heart and know that there is a God who is in love with you, and He wants to bless you beyond what you could ever imagine! Don't miss this promise - claim it!!! Read the following verses quickly and be on the look out for God's promise 2 Kings 4:8-37.

When Elisha asked the Shunammite woman how God could bless her, she said, "Nothing. I'm secure and satisfied in my family." She had been serving God by taking care of God's prophet, Elisha, and God wanted to fulfill the dreams of her heart. But her view of her life was so small, and she never dared to believe that there was more for her.

But there was a dream in her heart; and when Elisha told her it would come true, she shirked back and cried, "O my master, O Holy Man, don't play games with me, teasing me with such fantasies!"

Before we go on, ladies, expose that dream in your heart. If someone were to tell you it would come true, would it make you cry out, "Don't play games with me!" If yes, then that is the dream! That is how God wants to bless you!!! But there is a beautiful process that accompanies that dream. God always has a process because He is more concerned with us than our dreams.

The process seems cruel in today's world because we're so used to having everything right now. But, the process will strengthen you so you can hold the dream; otherwise, it would crush you! I think most women don't achieve their dreams because they resist the process. Don't resist, ladies. Humble yourself to God's teaching, and you will surely be blessed (Proverbs 29:23).

Elisha told the woman that she would have a son. She couldn't believe it; but the following year, her fantasy was born! Has your fantasy been born? Or is it still in the womb tucked deep within your soul? Many times our fantasy is so large that when it is born, we don't recognize it. The fantasy is still in infancy form and it takes A LOT of care and work. But keep working at it. Your fantasy will grow and mature and, hopefully, become an integral part of the Kingdom of God!

But, something happened to the Shunammite woman's dream. It died! Do you feel like your dream has died? Are you mad at God that He would give you this dream only so you could witness its death! Are you telling God that you never even asked for the dream in the first place?!

Do you believe God can resurrect it? Of course, God is the God of redemption, new life and second chances!

What did the woman do after her dream died? She went straight to Elisha, the man of God. She ignored everyone else's help. She knew only God could help her. She ran to the man of God and "threw herself at his feet and held tightly to him." Ladies, throw yourself at God's feet and cling tightly to Him. Let Him know that you love Him more than that dream. Let Him know that He is your one and only true love and everything else means nothing compared to Him. When your heart belongs to Him, He will bless you without limits (Matthew 6:33).

How did God resurrect the Shunammite woman's dream? He sent Elisha to get "into bed with the boy [dream] and covered him with his body, mouth on mouth, eyes on eyes, hands on hands. As he was stretched out over him like that, the boy's body became warm."

Align your dream with God. Lay one on the other until they become one thing. Once you completely attach your dream to God, your life will be like a holy rocket. You will shoot across this world, burning everything in your wake with the fire of Christ. God will set you a part and bless you if you put Him first (Deuteronomy 28:1).

Don't settle for "good enough!" Grab hold of God, claim this promise in His Word and get ready for one amazing ride! You are the daughter of the Most High. Do not take that lightly. He died for you! Don't make a mockery of His sacrifice by being mediocre. He wants you to be His holy baroness to this dark world. He wants you to be special! He wants people to notice you! He knows that you will shine His glory and give all glory back up to Him. So shine, ladies! Claim your dream!

"Father, God, You are giving me the fantasies of my heart! Help me to align them with Your plan and to cling tightly to You!"

What is your dream? Where are you at in the process? How can you align yourself with God in order to accomplish your purpose?

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Blogger Warren Baldwin said...

Good message for us guys, too.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Oh, I loved this! Your writings always bless me....

6:32 PM  
Blogger Sheryl said...

oh my goodness, i think you are in my brain!! you have no idea how God ordained this message is for me.

yes.. i have a dream..yes...i have watched it all come crashing down around me!! BUT i also believe that God told me years ago He would bring "beauty from ashes".

hmm..thank you so much for this!

12:39 AM  
Blogger Suzann said...

This blew me away this morning. Thanks.

6:20 AM  
Blogger Tonya said...

I love this. I'm going to talk to God today about my dreams! :-)

10:45 AM  
Blogger Sierra said...

Thank you so much for this, you are a very talented writer and I bet you would be a good pastor or inspirational speaker. What is your dream? I am trying to figure mine out. Sometimes I feel like I have too many things I like to do so I am trying to figure out the best route, I feel like God wants me to pursue my dreams but right now I specifically am trying to figure out what my dream is. But...whatever it might be I will keep praying for Him to discern this and go for it! God bless you, love your posts!

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Theresa @ Heavenly Glimpses said...

What a great message! Thank you for the encouragement!!!

6:28 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

Beautifully! So beautiful, I love the layers of God's beautiful power in revealing His Majesty..thank yoou for your obedience to God to bring God's strength to the daughter's of the Most High God! Just to see the daughters clinging to His feet, is so beautiful..thank you!

8:41 AM  
Blogger Racquel Simone said...

FAB post. So on time for me as I am going to be attemptint to get out to L.A. for make-up school. Burbank, CA actually. Close to all of the movie sets!

12:34 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

An excellent message! I really love the way you explain yourself.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes your writings are so good and I know not to give up on my dreams, Thanks for the reminder

9:09 AM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

Thank you for the encouragement to hold on to my dreams.
God bless

8:31 AM  
Blogger Deborah Ann said...

WOW! I can barely find the words...what a glorious message, my spirit got quite the stir reading your faith-filled post! I'll be back...

You're invited to visit my blog:

Just light humor with the Lord, and also I'm hosting a game next week with a $50 prize. Should be fun!

9:03 AM  

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