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Faith Imagined: Sanctified Together Publication - Peace

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

November 7, 2010

Sanctified Together Publication - Peace

I'm so excited! The November Sanctified Together Publication (Peace) is out! To view the ST Publication, click here! Too print it, click here. To sign up and get it sent to your email, click here. If you would like to contribute your writing, click here!

Peaceful Swords

Our world is a colony, established by God to emulate His divine Kingdom (heaven) here on earth. The Holy Spirit is our colonial ambassador, living amongst us, guiding and teaching us in the ways of our perfect King. The Holy Spirit's job is to saturate our world with Kingdom-influence so that God's children will become like their Father. The Holy Spirit is able to lead each person whose sins have been atoned by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Jesus is our Prince of Peace because He is our only link to the King's abundant peace (Isaiah 9.6). God is Holy and faithfully undivided; He is the source of all peace. We cannot fully understand His divine peace until we're on the other side of eternity (Philippians 4.7). Christians have this Source of Peace inside each of us - a gift promised by the resurrected Jesus (John 14.26).

Sin penetrated our special colony, so our environment has become corrupt, our bodies decay and people hurt each other. We live in a world of unrest and conflict. We capture moments of peace only to have them swept away by the tide of disorder. We grope onto pitiful worldly understandings, desperately seeking illusions of peace. But peace - pure and endless - can be found generously within the spirits God breathed into each of us.

Be assured, though, Christians go against the grain of world culture, and we will cause turmoil because of the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus says, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10.24 NIV). Christians will not agree with much of the world-view, and this will create division. We will be spotlighted as Bible-thumping trouble-makers. The colony has declared independence from our holy and perfect King and the heaven we were meant to represent. Indeed, Christian influence will disrupt the world's agenda if we are to stay sanctified (1 Thessalonians 5.23).

However, Jesus also tells us to pursue harmony. He says, "Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other" (Mark 9.50b NIV). As a church, we need to swallow our pride to keep the peace and put the unity of the Body of Christ above our own desires (Colossians 3.15 NLT). As Christians, we should serve others and eliminate our self-entitlement and our perceived rights. Our goal should be to strengthen the Church, so we can be used by the Holy Spirit to spread His Kingdom-influence.

But how do we know when we should pursue peace or division? When should our sanctified lives sever or unite? When should we be swords or peacemakers?

Swords: We cut away unholy influences with truth to keep the Church sanctified.

Peacemakers: We deny our self-will to promote peace in the Church.

The Holy Spirit lets us know when to separate the Body of Christ from the world's influence and when to lay down our rights for the sake of church harmony. This is every Christian's balancing act, and we must be completely submitted to the Holy Spirit if we want to be the peaceful sword that God has called us to be. God's Truth will build the church and offend the world, and Christians are called to do both. But even as we slice off sin for church sanctification or cut off our personal rights for church harmony, we still have the peace of God in our spirits -- and that's how we become Peaceful Swords!

Read the article at the ST Publication here!

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Blogger The Unknowngnome said...

Alisa, your writings really lift me up and strength. Week after week you bring forth such strength and beauty. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this for all of us.

Juat a side note, there is a bad link at "(John 41.26)." in the third paragraph.


10:27 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Smith said...

great picture of reality! thanks for sharing, alisa! i love it!

12:47 PM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

Alisa, I love the term "peaceful sword". You have a knack for provoking me to see scripture and life through new eyes.

BTW, love this new issue of ST. You and Crissy are doing a great job.

4:14 PM  
Blogger JT said...

I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Angel @ Finding The Inspiring said...

As always, you offer up truth in a creative way.

Your post really makes me think about that "balancing act" we all have to walk as Christians.

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your encouraging words. I appreciate the work you are doing and for the opportunity to contribute to Sanctified Together. I was excited to be able to post this morning with a link to the publication.

Have a blessed day!

8:44 AM  
Blogger Warren Baldwin said...

This is a great post with an incredibly challenging message for Christians today. We are enamored of the world and its ways. John Wayne (my favorite actor) may be more of a model for problem-solving than Jesus is for contemporary thinking.

You are right that "we must be completely submitted to the Holy Spirit if we want to be the peaceful sword that God has called us to be." What a challenge!

As tough as it is, we need reminders to be peaceful swords. Good post. wb

11:17 AM  
Blogger Kristen Torres-Toro said...

I love this!

2:33 PM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes we are going against the world, we do need this sword. Peaceful Swords, that is.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

It's in my email inbox! I can't wait to get a quiet moment, so I can savor these thoughts.

Susan :)

9:08 PM  
Blogger Joan Hall said...

Love the article, Alisa. As Bernadine said, you and Crissy are doing a great job with the publication. I look forward to the next issue.


9:28 PM  
Anonymous cheryl said...

Thank you for your wonderful message, Alisa. I thank God for blessing us all with you.


11:58 AM  
Blogger Molina Mania said...

I never seem to be amazed by your words for others based on your faith. You have a way that talks to me in ways I never heard before! Thank you!

7:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well done, my friend! Years ago, after church I was attending lunch with members of the congregation. The Priest said a Blessing during which time he mentioned "The future of the United States is Christianity". I read this post twice to fully absorb it and your writing reminded me of that Blessing! Today, I see what the priest said as applicable to the entire world.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Beth Herring said...

Alisa - I am always mesmorized by the flow of your posts. So beautiful and always reflecting the heart of our precious Lord!

Thank you for all you do and thank you and Crissy for the time you put into the ST. I love being a part of it!

9:09 PM  
Blogger May said...

You're truly an inspirational blessing to many. Keep the spiritual medicine for the soul coming. May your day be blessed.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Karen Lange said...

I love that - peaceful sword. Never thought about it quite like that before. Thank you:)

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Renee Ann said...

I found your blog through the SITS linky list and began reading through your site. So far I've joined through GFC and listed the button for Granola Devotionals in my sidebar.

I blog about how faith impacts life, interview Christian women from all walks of life, and--since I teach English in a small Christian high school--read and review books. I'm checking out your ebooks and will be back to read more!

The invitation's open to visit me at Doorkeeper! Blessings!

6:36 AM  
Blogger Toia said...

Love it!! This is a must read!! Great insight!!

3:52 PM  

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