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Faith Imagined: Take Root & Write Magazine

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

June 6, 2011

Take Root & Write Magazine

I'm honored to be featured on the June 2011 issue of Take Root and Write Magazine. This month's magazine is all about parenting! I hope you enjoy my article about growing in Christ and learning how to be the mother God has called me to be!

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Blogger Marsha Young said...

Blessings to you on your new endeavor. ...Marsha

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Angel said...

I read both articles and very much enjoyed both. Your writing is always thought-provoking and God-honoring. Blessings!

6:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Alisa: I'll be sharing this with my Pastor by email. What a wonderful message about where our focus should be within ourselves and outwardly to others.

Thanks for sharing!

2:19 AM  
Anonymous Joe Young said...

Hi Alisa,
Congrats on the feature in the Take Root and Write Magazine! I can see Your site is very stylized and centered around your passion. You definitely stand out. Great job!
Many spin their wheels and spend a lot to accomplish this. I look forward to reading more of your material.

God Bless,
Joe Young
minister of the gospel

2:46 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

congrats dear.

2:31 AM  
Blogger Toyin O. said...

Congrats on being featured Alisa, so proud of you!!! I am going to have to check out your article. From your writing, you always sound like a great mum:)

1:11 PM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow that is a great article! I always enjoy your writing. It was so nice that your kids made cards. A lesson from God is always the best!

8:17 PM  
Anonymous bluecottonmemory said...

I think I have lived moments like that - moments where you chooe love over frustration. There's a story like that where my oldest son was about 3 and broke an antique tea-cup that was a special gift from my grandmother to me - long before I was ever a mother. I chose love at that moment. The tea cup probably means even more now than it did then - because of that choice.

Congrats on your publication. It was a blessing to read!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Marletha Booker said...

Congrats Alisa on your feature in Take Root & Write Magazine!! I'm so happy for you!!

Royal Heiress

6:30 PM  

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