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Blogging: A Higher Purpose

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Faith Imagined: Blogging: A Higher Purpose

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

April 21, 2010

Blogging: A Higher Purpose

It is interesting to me that so many Christians feel led to blog. We don't blog because we have so much spare time on our hands. Most of us sacrifice a lot of personal free time in order to keep our blogs updated. We blog because we have a God-given desire to share. God is calling us to write about our experiences. Our words might not seem interesting or even relevant, but we obediently punch away on our keyboards.

Are we wasting our time? Or is there some higher plan that God is organizing behind the scenes of heaven?

I don't think God is surprised by the number of Christian bloggers. I think He's the reason.

I opened my home to a Bible study last night. It was nice seeing all of my friends; but when the study started, I quietly went back upstairs. I had some writing to do.

When it was over, I helped clean up and said goodbye to all of the women. I also walked my new friend, Michelle, to her car. She has the spiritual gift of prophecy, and she told me many of her stories about ministering in the spiritual realm. She has had visions, dealt with evil spirits, prayed for healings and much more. She obviously is gifted, but I could tell she was uncomfortable talking about it. She didn't want me to think she was weird.

On the contrary, I was excited to hear about her experiences. The Bible speaks so much about the spiritual realm, but it seems that Christians say so little of it. Paul says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6.12 NIV). I'm sure most Christians have had some experience dealing with spiritual forces, but like Michelle, they fear being labeled as "weird."

Then Michelle went on to share some of her prayer request to me -- one of which was to journal. For several years God has been calling her to journal, but she didn't understand why and she never took that step of obedience.

From my perspective, I could easily understand why God would want her to journal. God calls us to teach our children the ways of the Lord (Deuteronomy 11.19 NIV), but I fear the current generations have dropped the ball. There is a new crop of Christians that have the Bible and the Holy Spirit, but they are completely lost about how to draw closer to God, serve their purpose and live victoriously.

Don't get me wrong, I know the Holy Spirit will teach them and the Bible will form their foundation, but the Bible says that "many advisers make victory sure" (Proverbs 11.14 NIV) and that "A matter becomes clear after two or three witnesses give evidence" (2 Corinthians 13.1 NIV).

How much easier would it be to confront the unknown when you have many Spirit-led Christian experiences to glean from? We have to remember that God uses the Bible, the Holy Spirit and others to achieve His perfect will. We are designed to need each other. We can't expect to be victorious if we isolate ourselves. We each make up a piece of the Body of Christ (church) according to our design and purpose. We have a much better perspective of God when we can see Him through the eyes of a multitude of Christians.

I finally told my friend, "You need to journal so you can empower the next generation. You can provide them with a tool that will help them to battle against and with spiritual forces."

She was shocked by my reply. She had also told the Bible study about her prayer request. She felt like God was telling her that if she didn't journal, she would be harming herself and others. The women didn't understand. How could Michelle harm others if she didn't journal? Without her journal (brimming with amazing victories in the spiritual realm) many Christians will be facing battles without "advisers." God wants to make sure His children are prepared.

I'm discovering that God is calling Christians to produce media that will empower and teach the following generations how to live for Christ. The line between what is holy and common is dividing, and lukewarm will disappear. Christians are going to jump over to the holy side, but they are going to need help. Some day the church will be called away from this earth, and all that will be left of us is our music, movies, books and blogs that we felt called to produce. It is imperative that we leave as many bread crumbs leading to the cross as possible.

So continue to diligently write on your blogs. You will never know how many people you will lead to Christ once you are gone.

"Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?" (Romans 15.1-2 The Message).

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Blogger Karen Lange said...

Never thought about it from that angle before. Thanks for the food for thought. I feel challenged now, but in a good way!

Nicely said. You must be a writer:)

9:29 PM  
Blogger From The Heart Online said...

Ooooh. Your blog is one of those tools God uses :) I recently decided to document the amazing stories I have of those everyday miracles. A tulip, the homeless guy, the time God sent a dog running the moment I prayed it. It's so easily forgotten when I don't write it down, and impossible to share when I forget.
Thanks Alisa - I'm journeying with you.

9:31 PM  
Blogger WriterMarie said...

I agree with you 100 percent. The blog I write now is about my joureny to weight loss and health, but it really parallels my life journey with God. I often wind up writing about how He is working in me throughout all of this. I know He wants us to share that with others! :o)

9:31 PM  
Blogger Joe Blackmon said...

I pastored a church bi-vocationally for 6 years prior to moving to another state. When we moved up here, I didn't have any churches beating down my door to pastor them so I started my blog as an outlet for my bible study. I mean, I know you don't study the bible to make a sermon, or a blog post, but doggone it I can't do anything without a deadline. I have been blessed by the many friendships I have made over the years.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Braley Mama said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I just posted something, and took a stance to show that I think abortion is murder. I felt God telling me to put it up on my blog as soon as I read the article. Thank you for encouraging me.
I agree with you about recording His promises. A lot of the books in the bible start of with references to His answered promises. :O)

10:47 PM  
Blogger Warren Baldwin said...

Great testimonial, and great encouragement to keep writing/blogging. I sometimes wonder if I should keep giving it time, and then I get a wonderful testimonial from someone. And when I wonder if I should keep reading blogs, I have an experience like I did tonight. Instead of telling you about it, can I refer you to the blog and the comments I left there? It is here:

Good post, Alisa.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

When I ran my church's youth group, I also ran their website and I wrote devotionals for it. Only about a maximum of 50 people would have read them. Then I felt called to write a devotional book. So I wrote and I wrote and I didn't check the market, but I wrote anyway. When it came time to get it published I realised how clueless I was. And yet God called me to write it.

In my search to learn about the publishing world, I came across your Grenola Bar devotional blog. At the time I didn't know what a blog was. I blame your writing for opening my eyes up to a whole new world.

So, in Feb I started my own blog. I'm still writing devotionals but now so many more people are reading them. I still have my devo book and I still don't know what to do with it, but right now that doesn't matter.

It's amazing how the Lord works :)

1:05 AM  
Blogger INSIDE THE SHRINK said...

I believe this blog itself is a Word from the Lord to those of us who need to hear that what we are doing and the compelling we feel is from Him and that we need to keep going no matter what. I started out with one blog to just write down my thoughts as a Clinical Psychologist. I had been writing a devotional and sending it out to a list of people by email. The Lord inspired me to start putting it on a blog. That gave birth to a second blog, Daily Grace. Then again I was compelled to share information about mental health issues to help inform people. And finally, I read the Bible from cover to cover and start over again. I've done this for years. This time I bought and ESV version of the Bible to read through. Again the Lord compelled me to start writing my thoughts, questions, observations as I read through and share them. So I am maintaining 4 blogs that I know were born of God's prompting.

Your blog today confirms that blogging is another tool the Lord has chosen to get His Word out there and for Christians to fellowship and support each other. The Bible tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together with other believers. while blogging doesn't replace our attending our local house of worship, I believe it is an important part of getting together with other Christians. God bless and thanks for such a great blog.

5:41 AM  
Blogger Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Thank you for sharing this today! Now I feel more than ever that I need to journal/blog. We definitely need to share with the younger generation. Dh and others have said that a lot of these that are 18,19,20 year olds have no sense of purpose.

Have a blessed day!†

6:01 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

Thanks for the sharpening. Proverbs 27:17! Your such a blessing dear one.

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Esther said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I needed it today. Have been feeling a little lazy about writing / blogging!

7:30 AM  
Blogger Tammy said...

There's been times (recently)that I've thought about not blogging anymore. But after reading your post, you've changed my mind. Thanks!

7:36 AM  
Blogger Missie said...

I know how your friend feels. I really felt for a long time that I needed to write, but never really figured it out till about a month ago. I can't believe how much it has changed my life and increased my desire for God. Plus, it has opened up a whole new world of amazing Christian bloggers.
Thanks for all you do! I hope you know that you are making a HUGE difference, in my life and others!

9:33 AM  
Blogger Together We Save said...

There are so many blogs that incourage me!! I can not tell other bloggers enough how much I appericate them.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Girl. I needed this so much right now! The world needs this post. Awesomely good Word!

10:25 AM  
Blogger Lauren said...

wow -- thank you for that encouragement today....

10:27 AM  
Blogger Deborah Ann said...

I hear so many bloggers voice their concern that they're wasting so much time. I think partly that's true, but I get so much out of blogs like this one! It's more God-time for me, which is a plus.

I journal (but don't blog) about every dream and vision God gives me. I'm sort of like your friend, I'm worried some people might not understand or believe me, but God speaks all around us, and we need to listen and record and share it!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Terra said...

I think you are right about so many Christians blogging. Our blogs can reach many people, in other cultures and in other countries, and even a next door neighbor we don't know.
I get lots of good ideas, insights into Scripture and information from my blog hopping. I often write about gardening so reach many people who aren't Christian and that is wonderful.
I am happy to meet you here.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Jan Cline said...

So true. I have received some wonderful comments on my devotional blog from people I dont even know. It's such a blessing.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

This is so interesting, Alisa. It is on my mind frequently. It is true that we have no idea who will be served by these small messages of Jesus. On the other hand, the time devoted to it is the most common "stumbling area" that I hear about. Thanks for offering your view.


6:38 PM  
Blogger Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Alisa -

Yes, yes, yes! Each one of us in the Body of Christ has a gifting the others need.

The passion behind my blog is to draw believers together, encourage, and support them. We never know how our words will touch others.

Susan :)

7:41 PM  
Blogger Ordinary Things said...

I love that image of "leaving bread crumbs"...

You have captured so well the frustrations, the challenges, and the joys of the Christian blogger so well.

I definitely needed the encouragement today.


8:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Boy do I know where your friend is coming from about being perceived as "weird". I get that about my testimony, my book, my blog...but God is the one who compels me to share every single word and for the very reasons you cite in this post. Amen sister! I pray your friend does journal, blogs, and gets her voice out there about spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and the reality of what so many Christians tend to deny. Great blog and encouragement!

9:41 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...

I feel the same way about keeping a written journal (and even with scrapbooks). Writing out about the ways God has worked in my life is not only for myself as a reminder, but also something my children and grandchildren will probably read some day. I try to keep that in mind with everything I write in there.

Hopefully they find encouragement in being reminded of the things that God has done for our family.

10:03 PM  
Blogger B His Girl said...

Sometimes I feel like I am blogging to the choir, but you never know how God is using what you write. I believe your friend is missing the point. God wants her too. If I waited to understand 'why' on so many things I would not be moving with Him. It is always about Trust. Hope we all just do what He says. good post. B

11:27 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Great post Alisa! :) I'm always encouraged by your words.

My grandma has said that she feels God allowed the internet because of how many people can be reached with his word through it. I know there are many evils out there on the web, but there are also many Godly things. And like you said, we need to be leaving breadcrumbs for those who are searching (or googling). ;)

11:51 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

That's so true, Alisa. I have learned a lot from reading other people's journal type books. For example, Elizabeth Prentiss (Stepping Heavenward) was one of them. How she struggled with being a young wife and mother as well as the trials of being married to a doctor.

Yet, she continually gains strength from our Savior and learns many lessons along the way! These nuggets of wisdom are timeless!

Have a blessed weekend!

7:19 PM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

Great post Alisa, so many times we wonder if what we are doing right now is effective not realizing that God will also use what we do today to touch future generations.
Thank you for this encouraging word today.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Test said...

Thanks for the encouragement! The doubts you wrote about are doubts I've had on numerous occasions.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

"It is imperative that we leave as many bread crumbs leading to the cross as possible."...

You have so eloquently put into words what has been in my heart...whether written journals, typed blog or FB posts, or social network interactions...we have no idea how the Lord is working in the background to use these testimonies of HIM for present or future generations...

10:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like what you siad, "we are designed to be together". I am a mom who lost her oldest son who was only 16- 6 years ago. I search the web for encouraging sites and empowering sites. Still hard to read the bible ... angry at God, but I tell myself that as long as I am angry at him it means I still believe in HIM.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Bob West said...

I enjoyed your blog. Very insightful
Hope you will find blessings on mine
Jesus Lives, Bob West

12:38 PM  
Blogger UnderHisCovering said...

Hello girls....It is Michelle… I feel inspired and part of a new group as I get to be blessed through your responses to my situation. God showed me so much grace the day that Alyssa is describing here, this is just one small part of many blessings that are even still pouring out since Tuesday. Therefore, I am inspired to start a blog here which you can read. God has me journaling in two journals as well and doing many other works, so I am not sure how often I will post. I do know my first story will be the rest of this one that Alyssa shared. Now I just need to learn how to get started.

1:03 PM  
Blogger UnderHisCovering said...

Cindy, please email me, I would like to pray for you, with you. I love the way you worded that, at least you do still believe. I have two other women I am prayer counciling right now who have lost their children. One was under a year and one was almost two.

1:06 PM  
Blogger petrii said...

Totally and completely loved this post!! At the first of the year I felt the Holy Spirit changing my blog. I wasn't sure if first I was suppose to stop blogging or what. I had a dream that God showed me was about the blog. So I stepped back and pursued Him on this issue and He has so come through with the answer.

He didn't want me to stop my blog, just change the format and listen more to Him when blogging. I know that He has a wonderful purpose in it and I'm so excited to see where He takes me in this journey.

This post blessed my heart.

Have a Wonderful Weekend,

2:24 PM  
Blogger Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Beautiful thoughts and beautiful truths about blogging. Honestly.

I started blogging years ago when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. My writing updates turned into this raw and real journey with the Lord. And faith. And healing. And letting go. I felt that I was to write. And then for several years, I felt as if I was to wait on the Lord. Just recently, I've felt that I'm to begin writing again. And in that writing, I've been so blessed with coming across lovely blogs and bloggers...just like you. Truth.

I'll be following. I'm looking forward to reading more fabulous posts.


5:44 PM  
Blogger MTJ said...

Hello Alisa,

I visted your blog for the first time and I wanted to leave a comment on a Higher Purpose. I agree with what you've said. I genuinely believe God is using this medium to provide a method of communication to succeeding generations.

How will they know except someone tell them?

I pray that all who read this post gain a sense of newfound encouragement to share their faith and personal journey in Christ.

Blessing to you and thanks.


8:28 PM  
Blogger Joan Hall said...

I've wanted to be a writer for a number of years, but only started to do something about that desire about three years ago. Looking at the publishing world, with editors, competition, etc., can be overwhelming.

After attending P31 ministries, She Speaks conference last year, I came home and started my blog. Basicially, I began it because God told me to. I don't have a huge number of readers, but I write in obedience to God. And if one person is reached or encouraged through my blog, it's all worth it.

You are a great encouragement to me.


8:50 PM  
Blogger Wanda said...

Thanks for providing this fresh perspective. We never know how and what God may use to draw others to Himself.

10:24 PM  
Blogger prashant said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:18 AM  
Blogger vonimoller said...

i thank GOD SO much i found you. For a while ive been wondering why do i feel a need 2 tell people about my journey with God and my struggles. Yesterday (he knows i dont always ask about whats on my heart) i got a nice message in a song 2 actually 2 questions i have been struggling with!!!
i think its time i did tell people what i have hidden in fear of being crazy. I actually cried when i read this coz Ai you know God knows i sometimes am so slow 2 catch on 2 what he says, i need the brick in my face at times!! Lol ai Ja God hey (sorry my little convo with God there) thank you

10:27 PM  
Blogger Amy Sullivan said...

I most cases blogs have replaced journals, but what an amazing form of communication for us to all share in!

7:58 PM  
Blogger Sherrie said...

Alisa, I see this was originally posted in April. I am grateful God put it in my path now. Thank you for being so faithful to point us to Him everyday. I was struggling with a decision. Suddenly the struggle is gone. Thank you for being a part of the solution.

Sherrie Yunker

3:19 AM  
Blogger Soccer Mom in Giggle Town said...

What a wonderful reminder of what we are called to do!

thank you so much for sharing.. I stumbled upon this post just at the right time.

Blessings & Giggles

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Writerly Wanna Be said...

So interesting to read this tonight. I have recently started a blog I did feel God called me to do. I had no idea why, and as I write and write and write and I get no followers I questioned if I misunderstood. But still God reminded me He will use it in His time, not mine. Thanks for the confirmation!

9:00 PM  
Blogger The Unknowngnome said...

Hi Alisa, I'm reading and rereading some of your past posts for this present tense and being lifted. I am in complete agreement with what you have written here. You are gifted and should these writings survive the future drought and famine of the Word of God they will certainly feed and lead the thirsty to Living Water. (Amos 8:11-12)

4:55 AM  

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