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Faith Imagined: Avatar and Christianity

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

January 4, 2010

Avatar and Christianity

I have a confession to make, so some of you Christians may want to sit down.... I adore Speculative Fiction. My first book is spec-fic, and I coming to understand that this genre is just not fully integrated into Christian Fiction market. The worse part, though, is that I bought into its absence for many years.

I recently watched Avatar, and like most people, I was in awe of the movie's beauty. As I was leaving the theater, I was bombarded by three emotions.

1) I was envious that James Cameron created something so beautiful. 2) I was a little homesick because I knew that I just saw a glimpse of heaven. . . . and I really wanted to fly on one of those dragon/dinosaur looking animals. 3) I was eager for people to know that -- like the movie suggests -- yes, we are all connected. However, we are not connected by a planet or nature because it too is a creation. We are connected by God and the Trinity that He made for us (God, Holy Spirit, Jesus). All creation is connected -- whether we admit it or not -- to our Creator.

I asked God what He thought about the movie, and He told me this: "I gave a unique sliver of my imagination to all the peoples of the world through out time. If James Cameron could make such a beautiful work of art with his tiny sliver, just think of what I'm capable of."

My mouth dropped open right there in the movie theater parking lot. Just think what my God is capable of! Just think of what my God through me is capable of! It boggles the mind!!!

I immediately prayed back to God, "Can you save me one of those flying dragon/dinosaur animals when I get to heaven. . . . I want a RED one."

Please be mindful, however, that there is A LOT of spec-fic novels I do not read. The Holy Spirit guards my every move, and He has me stay clear of many books. It goes back to the Tree of Knowledge. Every genre has its flipside, so make sure you get the Maker's permission first.

With all that said, I feel like God is allowing me to "Go where no one has gone before."

I wrote my first spec-fic novel four years ago. I wanted to pursue getting it published and I started writing the second one, but I felt God telling me to stop -- which is really hard for me to do. I'm a go-getter, not a sitter. But, I obeyed God and tucked my books away.

During the past four years, God has been molding me and developing my character (*a combination of qualities that distinguishes one person). I poured myself into my primary ministry, my family; and I became a leader in my women's ministry. The Holy Spirit has been my teacher, and I learned three essential things:

1) The fear (*extreme reverence or awe) of God is understanding
2) An intimate relationship with God (our Creator) is wisdom
3) I'm called to love God and love others

*ref 1

*ref 2

*ref 3



Blogger The Unknowngnome said...

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

1:32 AM  
Blogger Joan Hall said...

Alisa - praying for you in this endeavor. I love Christian fiction and actually have a desire to write Christian fiction someday.

BLessings to you!

6:07 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

I am looking forward to hearing/reading how everything goes. I know God has big plans for you and your sister's ministry.I am so thankful to "know" you two. Such an inspiration.

6:59 AM  
Blogger B His Girl said...

I have not seen the movie yet but hearing of its beauty makes me want to see it. I pray you use the gifts you have been given in a mighty way. B

7:54 AM  
Blogger CC said...

I will be praying.......

I will take you up on the flying date when we get to can have the red one, I would like a yellow one...imagine the fun we will have!

Be blessed my new friend.....CC

8:32 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Hmmm. I hadn't heard of that movie. It looks like something I would normally ignore but with your recommendation I might check it out!

9:52 AM  
Blogger Braley Mama said...

I have been wanting to see that movie.
Praying for u in this time of agent seeking:)

10:16 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

You go girl! :) I'm prayin for ya sista. I'll take the blue one...or as my little Baby Pants says..."the buh-loo one". ;)

10:52 AM  
Blogger Beth Herring said...

Will be praying that God be glorified in all you do.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Michelle said...

I, too, have been working on a Christian children's book that is fictional! I hope to have it published in the next couple of weeks-Lord willing. It has actually been about 5 years in the making!

I do not have an agent but am using the self-publishing method for now until someone takes an interest!

Besides the fact you are so encouraging, I now see other reasons I have found your site!

This is all very exciting stuff-but I hope there is more than one red dragon, otherwise we might have to take turns at the helm!

2:53 PM  
Blogger Deborah Ann said...

Well now I don't know what to ask for. I wanted the red one. heheeh..

Looks like God's doing BIG things around here. I'm very excited for you!

4:11 PM  
Blogger ~*Michelle*~ said...

Totally will be praying.....may God have His hand on this journey and may He have all the Glory when this all comes to pass.

(notice...when, not if!)

I believe in you!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Jody Hedlund said...

You have a very lovely blog! So glad we could connect! Blessings!

5:40 PM  
Blogger Melinda said...

You go, girl! I am so excited for you, fellow writer! I, too have a whole list of books in my head. I started writing a book proposal for a writing conference in March, but now I feel God telling me to slow down. That's hard for me, too. I want to forge ahead, but I know He's always working in the wait.

I'm excited that your wait is over! I continue to write articles and go at the Lord's pace. I did just have an acceptance from In Touch (Charles Stanley's ministry magazine)... God is amazing!

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to find another Christian writing speculative fiction. Way to go, Alisa.


6:04 PM  
Blogger Bernadine said...

I haven't seen the movie but I love reading Christian fiction. I'll be praying for success as you seek to get your book published and I'll definitely have it on my must read list.

BTW, do you think they'll be a blue on? It's my favorite color after all:)

6:34 PM  
Blogger Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have a great blog and it is great that you have been blogging 3 & 1/2 years, that gives me encouragement.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Avatar yet, but now I must after reading this. Wow, you must have a complete connection to God since you get answers to your inquiries.

Very exciting things coming up for you. Wishing you all the best!

6:57 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Praying for the Lord's blessings on this...

FFF sounds great...I will be sure to check that out...

Do you think they come in green?

9:14 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...

You are right- if the guys making Avatar could make such cool images, it does blow the mind to think that God is able to do so much more than that- so much more than we could ever in our human minds imagine!

That's exciting that you will be getting into writing a book! Fiction I take it? Have you ever read Mindy Starns Clark's books?

9:54 PM  
Blogger Richele McFarlin said...

I share your love for spec-fiction. I will pray your book honors the Lord! I can't wait to read the post on the 8th! I have resovled to finally write the children's book I have had on my mind for years. :)

by the way, I still need your address to send the book you won on my blog. I tried emailing you...I know your must be swamped though!

10:25 PM  
Blogger From The Heart Online said...

I praise the Lord, Alisa, for your servanthood. He shows me, through you (and others), how to serve. "Ask his permission", obey - whether that means adding one more thing to the bulging plate or putting away the book you just finished pouring yourself into for months. (PS - I love that it's the 'books' who are impatient to be written ... lol!)

I'm encouraged by your example. You focus on God and his plan for you, following in faith - complete trust. As you do it, he continues to lead you forward and give you more. To those who are faithful with little, he gives more.

Praise God, our gracious loving Father whose plans for us are good. I pray that I too will trust Him as a daughter should, and follow him as he leads me into his good plans for me.

Thanks Alisa.

PS - I'll be sharing your news with our Christian writers' group, "Steinbach Inksters".

Excited for you - yay! Look forward to hearing more :)

8:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, a silver of imagination from God... and what God is capable of showing us with His beauty, oh how fantastic! Makes me want to see the movie even more, especially in 3-D.

I've been following your blog for a week or two now, and I'm enjoying what you have to say. They've been really inspirational.

I want to say that I, too, am a writer. I'm afraid that I sorely lack in understanding of what Christian fiction actually entails. I just don't know what kind of books to look to besides Narnia, and Left behind.

I would love to write some Christian fiction, and I'm working on several right now actually. One is a new genre, New Adult, and the other is, well, not quite sure, but yeah.

I pray for your success, that God will use you in powerful ways, that will help more people realize their lostness and that they need Christ.

And actually, a lot of the Christian blogs, from you and others, have inspired me to start up my own. It gives me more chance to practice my writing skills after all. =] I'm sure the link is within my name... Well, adios, and best of luck to you!

12:39 AM  
Blogger Sierra said...

I always love what you write, so beautiful and inspiring! Good luck with the book - God's doing some wonderful things in you! :)

12:48 PM  
Blogger Carmen said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! Your venture sounds wonderful! Oh, and--I may want a red one too--hopefully there's more than one!

12:23 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

I said a prayer for you Alisa. What an awesome thing for you to start pursuing publication!

8:25 PM  

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