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To be Childlike

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Faith Imagined: To be Childlike

Faith Imagined

Alisa Hope Wagner: Christian Writer

February 10, 2009

To be Childlike

God has been showing me the importance of being childlike. As an adult with kids and a ton of responsibilities, it is hard for me to feel and and act childlike. I knew there was a way to be as carefree and devoted as a child, otherwise God would not ask it of me; but I couldn't comprehend how to do it.

I prayed and asked God to show me how it would be possible to live like a child while surrounded by the pressures of the world. God finally spoke to me through the actions of my first born, Isaac.

Every day, without fail, my son brings me in a flower that grows around our house. I am constantly having to throw away wilted flowers from a small glass filled with water and replace it with a beautiful peach or pink one that he has picked for me that day. Sometimes, my poor little glass of water is overflowing with pretty flowers that my son has brought to me.

Whenever he hands me a flower, no matter if I'm bringing in the groceries or trying to prevent my second born from running into the street, I try to put a big smile on my face and take the flower as if is the most breathtaking piece of foliage that I've ever seen.

I remember thinking, "You better soak this up because one of these days he will stop bringing you flowers." Time seems to steal the unabashed devotion and loyalty that children have.

I could have disciplined Isaac, got angry with him, been too critical or have done a million mommy-missteps that day, but Isaac will still bring me a flower. He remembers no wrong, and he always sees the beauty in me - his mother. He loves me without condition or expectation. And that is precisely how God wants us to love Him . . . like a child.

I've come to realize that living childlike has nothing to do with a system or an attitude that I need to adopt, rather it has everything to do with loving others and God without condition and expectation and with unabashed devotion and loyalty. If I can do that, then I will have achieved the biggest step of living like a child.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, and so true. Thank you Alisa!----Karina

3:29 PM  
Blogger Christina Ketchum said...

That is a beautiful post!!! I really needed to hear this today (per our earlier conversation)!.

4:14 PM  
Blogger m said...

I love this posting!!!! So perfect that I read it today out of all days as God has been ministering to me about being a child as well!!! Thank you for sharing awesome and I know it's inspired by the Holy Spirit, like only He can inspire!

11:26 PM  

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